Fairview Place Neighborhood Association

Welcome To Our Community!
Honoring our history, creating our future

Get to Know Us

Fairview Place is a Central Phoenix historic neighborhood which was first developed in 1920s, with most homes built in the 1930s and 40s.  Home sizes range from 900 to 1,400 square feet and represent 14 architectural styles including Southwest, Tudor, English Stone Cottage, and Transitional Ranch.

Fairview Place is located between two Central Phoenix landmarks: the Arizona State Fairgrounds, established in 1905 and Encanto Park and golf course, established in 1934.  These historic venues provide residents with easy access to a variety of arts performances, sporting events and relaxation activities.

In 1990, Fairview Place formed a neighborhood association to pursue historic designation.  An all-volunteer group of neighbors measured, photographed, and researched all 342 Fairview homes.  In 1994, our Historic Designation was granted, and Fairview Place was placed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Our Mission:

The Fairview Place Neighborhood Association exists to sustain and enhance our vibrant community in Central Phoenix. To achieve this, we identify neighbor-driven focus areas from diverse voices within our community and develop programs and projects to achieve the desired outcomes.   

Our Focus Areas:

  • Climate Resiliency
  • Community Building
  • Historic Preservation
  • Feral Cat Population (TNR) & Fosters
  • Neighborhood Safety

Our Current Projects 2024

The Fairview NeighborWood Project: Thanks to a $25,000 grant from APS and Trees Matter, we will be planting 100 trees throughout Fairview on November 9, 2024. This project addresses critical climate impacts that disproportionately affect Fairview Place, such as lack of shade, extreme heat, stormwater flooding and air pollution. In addition, this project will add beauty and walkability to our neighborhood. Check out our Climate Resiliency page for more information.

The Fairview Neighborhood Nook Project: Thanks to a $10,000 grant from The Nature Conservancy, we will be installing a water harvesting demonstration parklet on the front part of the empty lot owned by the AZ State Fairgrounds (NW corner of 17th Ave and Palm Lane). Fairview experiences significant flooding during medium to large rain events. This project will illustrate how to design a landscape that slows, spreads and sinks stormwater runoff so it can be repurposed to grow our native tree canopy. Check out our Climate Resiliency page for more information.