Community Building

Community building forms the base of a connected, vibrant community.  Communications, both online and on paper, keep Fairview neighbors informed while a variety of events bring neighbors together in person.

Fairview Place hosts a number of events designed to include all sectors of our community.

Neighborhood Meetings

  • Neighborhood meetings are held 4 times a year in January, March, September and November.  These meetings include representatives from City of Phoenix departments, Council members and others who offer services and benefits to neighborhood groups as well as information on events and updates on projects and funding.

Neighborhood Cleanups

  • Neighborhood Cleanups happen twice a year in April and October and are by far our most well attended events!  During these events, neighbors band together to clean up our alleys and assist older residents with landscape cleanup.  It’s hard work but there’s an immense amount of Fairview pride involved.  Coffee and donuts are provided for people as they check in at the staging area at 7 AM and breakfast is served around 9 AM.  Anyone who signs in is eligible to win free door prizes donated by local businesses.

Happy Hours

  • Happy Hours are held at neighbors’ homes or at one of the many local breweries in the surrounding area, including the Grand Avenue Arts District which is within easy biking distance.

Community Coffees

  • For those of you who like to mingle over coffee, Fairview’s Community Coffees are for you!  Community Coffees are hosted by various neighbors in their front or backyards. Enjoy coffee and pastries while you catch up on neighborhood news and watch as neighbors and their dogs pass by.

Ice Cream Socials

  • Ice cream socials are usually held twice a year, once as we head into summer in May and then as we bid adieu to the triple digits in September.  This is a favorite event for Fairview kids!

Donation Drives

  • In Fairview, we like to give back where we can.  This often takes the form of donation drives for various causes.  Our latest donation drive for Treasures 4 Teachers netted a windfall of items local teachers can use for enrichment activities for their students.


  • Newsletters are printed monthly, except during the summer.  They contain neighborhood news, project reports, restaurant reviews and upcoming events.  You can see past and present newsletters on our Archives Tab.

Neighborhood Emails

  • Fairview Place maintains an email list of neighbors who receive 2-4 emails a month.  Emails include event reminders and late breaking news and updates. Not on the list?  Send your full name, Fairview address and phone (optional) to:  You can see examples of past Fairview emails on our Archives Tab.

The Tiny Orange Sock Award Origin Story

Towards the end of our last neighborhood happy hour, things were winding socially but I wasn’t ready to go home yet. It was really nice to get to know the faces of the people I lived near, and my stomach was full of buttery cheesy baked potato. I was cupping my beer in my hands staring into space when I noticed a bright color out of the corner of my eye. A single, tiny, baby-sized orange sock sitting alone under a display keg in the corner.

Oh no I thought, dryers already claim their large percentage of stray socks, and I didn’t want the owner of this sock or their parents to be sad the next time they were putting together a peach-themed outfit. I emailed, and after a little back and forth, we found the owning family and the sock was reunited. I ended up dropping it in their mailbox on a walk with my dog one random weekday morning.

One of my neighbors joked that they loved the idea of receiving a tiny orange sock in their mail, and they were slightly jealous of the family who got that experience. So, I sat down at my craft desk, stuck two sticky notes back to back and did my best to cut them into a tiny baby sock shape. I colored it orange with a highlighter I found in my junk drawer and wrote “Fairview Place’s Orange Sock” on the front. The next time I was walking my dog I made sure to stop by my neighbor’s house and dropped her homemade present in her mailbox. I was slightly embarrassed about the drawing’s quality, and I noticed some of the lines weren’t quite straight. But my neighbor was tickled pink that I followed through on her joke. And thus, the Fairview Place Orange Sock award was born.

Have you seen any of your neighbors helping out or building a sense of community? Let us know! Submit their story to and we’ll send them a customized thank you postcard! Submissions have an option to be kept anonymous.

Thank you so much for lifting each other up and helping to better our community!-       Jennifer D.