Feral Cat Population (TNR)

You may have noticed some outdoor cats roaming our neighborhood. We want to make their lives as safe and comfortable as possible. That is why we are committed to ‘fixing’ as many cats as we can to prevent cat population explosion. Controlled local cat numbers mean less territory disputes, more resources to go around, and controlling cat population numbers helps reduce disease that can spread to local pets and residents.

Have you seen a cat around our neighborhood who is not on our list? Particularly a cat who you think might need to be trapped, neutered and then released? Please email us at FairviewPlaceTNR@gmail.com. A photo and location would also be helpful, but any information you have we would be glad to hear!

Latest TNR Cats

Introducing ~ the “Peanut Butter Gang”!  They were recently TNR’d.  “PB – Jelly” (lighter longhair, male), “PB – Chocolate” (darker longhair, female), “PB – Vanilla” (shorthair).

The TNR Process

First a cat must be identified as a good target for TNR (Trap, Neuter, Release).  This means they do not already have a tipped ear (a sign of a previous neutering), and they eat food left out for them. Once you have notified FairviewPlaceTNR@gmail.com of your target, you can start leaving food out for them at the same time every day, for example at 6pm. Continue this for two weeks or so, long enough to get the cat to prefer eating your food over hunting (since your food is easier to get). Then, withhold that daily food for two to three days. Fairview Place AZ will stake out the location with a trap filled with extra tasty extra smelly food (usually tunafish). Once the cat is in the trap, the cat will be transported off site to our partner spay and neuter clinic. Please let Fairview Place TNR know if you can help care for the cat in your home after their operation. After the cat has recovered, they are released back where we trapped them, allowing them to return to their kitty friends, and tell them how much wet food they got in exchange for their adventure. 

How To Donate to Fairview Place TNR

  • By check: Put “TNR” in the memo field.
  • By Zelle: to FairviewPlaceAZ@gmail.com. Put “TNR” in the memo field.
  • Buy us a present off of our TNR Amazon Wishlist.

Monies marked “FOSTER” will only be used for costs associated with animal foster care.

If you would like to donate to our foster fund, please put “Foster” in your check’s memo field.

It’s Kitten Season and Fairview Fosters Need Your Help!

The Fairview Place TNR group continues to trap, neuter, and return feral cats in the neighborhood, greatly reducing the future feral cat population. Unfortunately, not all cats are captured before becoming pregnant. Several Fairview Fosters take in these little families and ensure that momma and babies are healthy, vaccinated and, when they are ready, neutered or spayed. Caring homes are found for adoptable kittens and cats. Our Fairview Fosters incur significant expenses because feral moms and their kittens are often in poor health. Please consider donating to our Fairview Fosters account to help them in their work.

Willow’s Story

Willow is a 9-month-old Fairview feral and has already had her second litter of kittens! She is a sweet girl despite having such a rough start. Willow was found sheltering in a garage on Laurel. She was very thin and was nursing four tiny kittens – all girls! A Fairview Foster took the family in and got them medical attention. Both mama and babies had an intestinal infection and were ill when rescued, likely from contaminated drinking water. Three weeks later, mom and kittens are healthy and playful. The kittens love living in a home with all the kitten perks – toys, yummy food and YouTube cat videos to watch.Willow’s Update

The kittens are healthy and will be ready soon for adoption!

Introducing: Marmalade!

Also available for adoption is Orange Marmalade, a beautiful spunky kitten who loves to play and snuggle! Thank you so much to our neighbor who found him under a car and generously nursed him back to health!