Neighborhood Safety

Everyone deserves to feel safe in their own neighborhood.  Fairview neighbors have undertaken several projects to increase neighborhood safety. 

Alley Lighting  

In July 2023, Fairview Place received $6,400 in Neighborhood Block Watch Grant funds for neighbors to add solar alley lights to their properties. 

Fairview has some of the longest alleys in the Phoenix Metro area. Installing solar lights behind neighborhood properties will make our ¼ mile long alleys less tempting for encampments and crime.

We currently have funding available for 12 more neighbors to purchase and install alley lighting.

Program Rules:

  • Limited funds are available on a first come, first served basis. Once you’ve determined you want to participate in this program, please email to see if funding is still available.
  • Purchase and install your light and fixture as soon as possible – we cannot hold funds for you.
  • You’ll be reimbursed up to $100 for a light fixture and associated hardware including poles and brackets and up to $60 for installation by a handyperson or electrician. We cannot reimburse you for installations that were done by someone other than a handyperson or electrician.
  • Save all receipts. Due to the grant guidelines, we cannot reimburse you without receipts.

Important Program Dates:

  • The Alley Lighting Program runs until April 30, 2024 OR until we run out of
  • funding.
  • To ensure reimbursement, submit receipts upon installation. Email them to or mail them to PO Box 33894, Phoenix AZ 85067.
  • Reimbursement checks must be cashed by May 31, 2024.
  • Questions? Email

Alley and Curb Addresses     

The Fairview neighborhood had not refreshed its curb addresses for over a decade and most curb addresses were very worn.  In 2023, Fairview won the Love Your Block grant from Neighborhood Services to install a beautification project in the neighborhood.  We decided to repaint the curb numbers for all houses that wanted them and brand them with the Fairview Place Ferris wheel logo. 

In addition, we used $1,200 from our Neighborhood Block Watch Grant to add alley addresses.  Fairview Place has some of the longest alleys in Phoenix with each alley being approximately ¼ of a mile long.  This made our alleys attractive to urban campers and illegal dumping. It also stymied reporting because you couldn’t give a good address for where the issue occurred.  Alley addresses have greatly improved reporting of these and other issues.  They also help emergency services identify properties of people who live in casitas that face the alleys.

Blight Reduction

Blight can quickly overrun a neighborhood if it’s not taken care of in a timely manner.  Fairview residents have upped their game on reporting blight issues, especially when it comes to property owners who have vacant homes in Fairview. 

Neighborhood Services and Phoenix Police have advised residents on how to report all types of blight.  Recently our Neighborhood Services Specialist, Johnny Mendoza, educated neighbors on how easy it is to report a host of issues using the City of Phoenix’s myPHX311 app.How to Report Encampments and Dumping in the Alleys:

  • Download the myPHX311 app (you will need your water bill to set up your account)
    • Select “Tell the City About” (blue bar)
    • Select “Litter and Debris” or “Homeless Encampment” (lots of other options too)
  • Or you can use
    • Select “Tell the City About” (top of the screen)
    • Select “Litter and Debris” or “Homeless Encampment” (lots of other options too)
  • Call PHXCares directly to report encampments:  602-262-6251 
  •  Call/email Robert Munoz at Public Works to report dumping:  602-262-7612 or (interim contact until Ruben Trujillo returns)
  • Contact Community Action Officer Ben Harris: 

Please note that these contact numbers are ALWAYS in the Fairview Place Newsletter on the front page left sidebar.

Side Street Parking Permits:

Parking permits are technically required any time a car is parked on one of our streets and not in a driveway. Enforcement and ticketing efforts are stepped up near Easter (April) and during the state fair (Oct-Nov). Plan ahead by securing your parking permit at least 3 weeks before these high-traffic times of year. Parking permits must be renewed annually. Resident permits cost $10 and visitor permits cost $5. Be prepared to prove your residency during your application with a utility bill or with your car’s registration document.
For more information, visit the city’s website: