
Neighborhood Events

Neighborhood Google Calendar

Past Events

Community Coffee 09Jun24

Concert In The Park 20Apr24

THANK YOU to the 177 Fairview and Del Norte neighbors who made our first ever Concert in the Park so memorable!  The music was fantastic and the food was yummy!  I especially want to call out the 50+ Fairview and Del Norte volunteers who made sure the event went smoothly – we couldn’t have done it without you! 

Happy Hour at Grand Ave Brewing 28Mar24

Neighborhood Meeting 13Mar24 At Trans Am Cafe

Wow, what a turnout at our meeting last night!  I want to acknowledge everyone’s participation and apologize to those who wanted to attend but couldn’t find parking.  Obviously we’re going to have to find a larger venue!  

The topic of last night’s meeting, the Alley Bin Relocation Program, was the beginning of a much larger discussion on how we can make our alleys safer. There was a lot of great input from all of you and I was impressed by your willingness to listen to different perspectives.  It became clear that different alleys had different issues and may need different solutions.  It was also evident that your perception of the safety of the alleys was based on many things including personal experiences, gender and age to name a few. 

Below is a list of other alley solutions:

  • Gated alley program – residents of 17th Ave north of Palm along the west side of the street have already signed the paperwork and been approved to gate that section of the alley, so the rest of us will have a working model of this solution to observe in the future. 
  • Move trash to the front but retain bulk trash in the alley.
  • “Activate” the alleys with landscaping, murals, etc. When alleys look cared for, it discourages many of the issues that typically plague them. 
  • Use one or more alleys as an alternative bike path for 15th Ave where bike lane protectors on the Fairview side are not feasible due to driveways.
  • Do nothing.

The way the City programs work, nothing happens unless a majority of people (50% + 1 HOMEOWNER) along a given alley segment approve a the project. The people abutting each alley section make the decision for that alley. 

Rest assured that there will be a LOT more discussion on this topic. We, the residents of Fairview Place, get to create the solution(s) that works for us.